NABOKV-L posts by author: Matthew Roth
- Sighting: Sirin on BrookebyMatthew Roth
- Re: Sighting: Baseball legendbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Beau & ButterflybyMatthew Roth
- Re: ginkgo bilobabyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Fet's Nightingale PoembyMatthew Roth
- Re: LukinbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Poltergeists & DJ WestbyMatthew Roth
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: AmpelosbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Phanes and Vanessa: Phenocopying - Shade and Kinbote????byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Alfin, ShadebyMatthew Roth
- Re: Alfin, ShadebyMatthew Roth
- Re: PF's "little scissors", BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- Gingko Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyMatthew Roth
- Re: model poetbyMatthew Roth
- Re: RR & BB on PFbyMatthew Roth
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Michael Maar's "Speak,Nabokov"byMatthew Roth
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Eliot and Double: Errata?byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: the need for climax in Canto 4byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: the need for climax in Canto 4byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS, WickbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Nihilistic shaving, irony in Canto 4 of Pale FirebyMatthew Roth
- Re: Semblable: neighbour, fellow, but not doublebyMatthew Roth
- Re: LINKS: Two Early PF Newspaper ItemsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: LINKS: Two Early PF Newspaper ItemsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Elysian mash-upbyMatthew Roth
- LINKS: Two Early PF Newspaper ItemsbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Poor old man SwiftbyMatthew Roth
- SIGHTING: Nabokov's Literary SpoofsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Wilson's Night Thoughts, redwopbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHT: on prosodybyMatthew Roth
- Re: Boyd on zesty skaters, XYZbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: BergsonbyMatthew Roth
- Re: zesty skaters riddlebyMatthew Roth
- Re: step/pets in Pickerel PondbyMatthew Roth
- Re: FOUND: Wilson's amphisbaenic poembyMatthew Roth
- Re: Bacon and Redwop, Nova Zembla in Wilson's poembyMatthew Roth
- FOUND: Wilson's amphisbaenic poembyMatthew Roth
- VNBIB: The Literary Cold War, PiettebyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Red Wop ExplainedbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Red WopbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Speak, NabokovbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHT Abstractist Bric-A-Brac (PF,the poem)byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHT Abstractist Bric-A-Brac (PF,the poem)byMatthew Roth
- Non-VN BIB: Ghostly ParadoxesbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHT on Shade as poetbyMatthew Roth
- Hubert H. HubertbyMatthew Roth
- TOoL: A few thoughtsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia EgobyMatthew Roth
- Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyMatthew Roth
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byMatthew Roth
- Re: Driving in the Snow:Chemical ReagentbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Hazel Shade & Lady of the LakebyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: MR to JF on the NOJ articlebyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Roth/DeRewal article in NOJbyMatthew Roth
- Re: NEWS: Dr. John Rae's Arctic ExplorationsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Roth/DeRewal article in NOJbyMatthew Roth
- BIRTHDAY: New Lines by John ShadebyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Gunshots & MPD, Suspicious SupernaturalismbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Sally Beauchamp & AlexandrovbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Sally BeauchampbyMatthew Roth
- Re: the meaning of preteristbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Maud & SybilbyMatthew Roth
- SIGHTING: Nic Nabokov & Dr. KingbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Personalities, some last thoughts from MRbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: More bits of S in K, and vice-versabyMatthew Roth
- Re: Vseslav & SzeftelbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Three Faces of EvebyMatthew Roth
- Re: Acrostic and ReviewbyMatthew Roth
- QUERIES: PF, severalbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Botkin, V.byMatthew Roth
- QUERY: LOC VN PapersbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY & THOUGHT: Fahles Feuer, Citing the List, Todd RdbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Thoughts: Southey and McDiarmid, PDFbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Re: SKB on AllusionsbyMatthew Roth
- Thoughts: McDarmiad, LochearnheadbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Bend Sinister poem?byMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Bend Sinister poem?byMatthew Roth
- Re: Browning's Skoramis--addendumbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Browning's Skoramis--addendumbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Browning's Skoramis--addendumbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: One More Allusion--Browning's SkoramisbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Orphans & CedarnbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Aunts and orphans, THANKSbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Aunts and OrphansbyMatthew Roth
- Re: De Vries and BachbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Fugal Structure, De Vries ArticlebyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Feedback sought on draft of Pale Fire TimelinebyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Fugal Structure, De Vries ArticlebyMatthew Roth
- More Newport Frill THOUGHTSbyMatthew Roth
- VNBIB: Ecclesiastes Through a Nabokovian LensbyMatthew Roth
- Re: "aerial wolf gunning"byMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Cedarn in Milton's ComusbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Housman in PFbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Pale Fire 'book of names' is PninbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Pale Fire 'book of names' is PninbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: MR On Matt Roth's incest theorybyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Shade's MockingbirdbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Steely Dan - Nabokov - a big influence ...byMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: PF & Webster's 2ndbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Russian Words for WerewolvesbyMatthew Roth
- CORRECTION?: SB's article in Spring NabokovianbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Sources for PF in 1957 NewspapersbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Newspaper in IthacabyMatthew Roth
- Re: Beach PlumsbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Bourne, Berne, Berneville, BournevillebyMatthew Roth
- Other LolitasbyMatthew Roth
- Re: SIGNS: Paragraphs 1-3byMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Re: DN's remarks in NOL IIbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Lolita's subjectivity and AmericabyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Lolita's subjectivity and AmericabyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Lolita's subjectivity and AmericabyMatthew Roth
- VNBIB: Retelling Dostoyevsky,
Adelman (and some THOUGHTS on Despair and Stevenson)byMatthew Roth - THOUGHTS re: three options for coincidences in PFbyMatthew Roth
- TEXT: 17 June 1962 NYHT Books InterviewbyMatthew Roth
- Re: "of Russian descent"byMatthew Roth
- Re: Location of New WyebyMatthew Roth
- Re: rote, bottler/butlerbyMatthew Roth
- Re: VNBIB: Field Guide to PFbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Ganymede, cup-bearers, catamitesbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Russian Translation of "conjurer"byMatthew Roth
- Re: Vladimir as a namebyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Beverland HotelbyMatthew Roth
- Re: SuttonbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: More on ShelleybyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: ConchologybyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Shade and ShelleybyMatthew Roth
- ADDITION: Character Names in PFbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: The Mystery of Dr. SuttonbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: W.F. Kirby, LepidopterabyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Zemblan HavamalbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Ella Wheeler Wilcox in SM and PF (?)byMatthew Roth
- Re: has Nabokov created a narrator/double before?byMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Exploring the Geographies of VN's NovelsbyMatthew Roth
- MR answering RSG's Fine THOUGHTS; Shade & Hazel, etc.byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto One; Double MonsterbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PF; more tumblingsbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Tumbled BedsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: The Function of the Ford allusionbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyMatthew Roth
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyMatthew Roth
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyMatthew Roth
- Re: reply to one of Matt Roth's query & a counter-querybyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Russian King's DaughterbyMatthew Roth
- SIGHTING: Bojanowska's Nikolai GogolbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/CatkinsbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Two LATH! QuestionsbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: stillicidebyMatthew Roth
- Wolves in VN's workbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyMatthew Roth
- WIP/THOUGHTS: Nabokov, Ovid, DantebyMatthew Roth
- SIGHTING: VDN in Publisher's Weekly, 1912byMatthew Roth
- Lansquenet linkbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Lansquenet--another link to Charles I & DumasbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: VN's OvidbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Lukashevich and other names in PFbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Teaching LolitabyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Bird of Wonder in PFbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Crashaw, "Hebe's Cup," and "Night Rote" in PFbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: An Allusion to Sir Walter Scott's The Pirate in PFbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Some nagging questions on PFbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Dean Park?byMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: William Matthews/VN left-handed?]byMatthew Roth